Oklahoma Leather Association
Conflict of Interest Policy

Oklahoma Leather Association (OkLA) members and directors have an obligation to examine carefully any situation where a real or perceived conflict exists or has the potential to exist and to avoid such circumstances. The following are examples of prohibited conflicts of interest in any aspect of their jobs:

• Acting as an agent for a competitor or entity that engages with OkLA;
• Having a financial interest in an entity that engages in business with OkLA;
• Receiving from or giving gifts, gratuities, special allowances, discounts, or other advantages not generally available to other members;
• Having a significant direct or indirect personal interest in a transaction involving OkLA;
• Conducting outside activities that materially detract from or interfere with the future and timely performance of a member or director’s service at OkLA.

Members and directors are free to engage in meaningful activities outside of their role(s) at OkLA, but if they find they have, or are considering the assumption of, an interest or outside relationship that might involve a conflict of interest, or if the member or director is in doubt concerning the proper application of this policy, they should promptly discuss the matter with the Executive Board. Failure to disclose a conflict or potential conflict may constitute grounds for disciplinary action.

OkLA will deal fairly and honestly with those whose interests we affect and treat them as we would expect them to treat us if the situation were reversed. We will forego any business opportunity that requires a violation of the law or these principles. We will undertake only those business activities that would withstand public ethical review. We will disclose any conflict of interest we may have regarding our responsibilities to the organization and remove the conflict where required. We will refrain from any act if we are in doubt about its legality or ethical appropriateness